Coding for Creative Practice #2: Processing

Experiment 1: Highground

Testing out how to place objects in the ‘canvas’

High Ground Process

I just tried the classic stick figure shapes to give a go at the aligning and placing of lines in this application. (Scene my interpretation of the Star Wars HighGround)



Combination of lines and ellipse to create the stick figures. Use of the stroke weight and colour fill.


Experiment 2:  Random Dots


For this experiment I took the coding element of 3JS (the function setup and draw) from the tutorial in class and attempted to play around with the code. For this case I used a lot of circles which took the colour of its fill from the exact position from a pre-saved image of the mona Lisa. This meant that it would recreate the mona Lisa work of art but made from thousands of tiny circles. I made the circles ‘paint’ themselves on random x and y coordinates so it would paint the image randomly each time.



In the code I used a for statement I saw on a tutorial this enabled the random positions of the circles ad there colours.
Source of tutorial:


Experiment 3: SNAKE

Found a tutorial of this on the internet and wanted to give it ago. Snake the game via processing.




I followed the code on the video as I wanted to give it ago, it worked but I did get confused with some the code.

Experiment 4: Motion graphic Circle.

In this experiment I used parametric equations. After watching a tutorial by alexander miller ( I tried this experiment myself. This is the result of it.



  • I created a circle drawn from circles with this equation.
  • With the translate function, i was able to centre my work in the middle of my canvas.

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