Web 2.2

For this class, I began to look into the personae that we would be using for our assignments. After reading through all the information we had on them I decided to try and come up with some ideas of which would suit each persona and what they are after.

Here is a list of the key elements per persona:

Haiyan – Wants to know what’s happening in here city (Wellington). Wants to be able to narrow down the news to specific region/areas. I plan to focus on more regional news within New Zeland so that it is possible to just see what’s happening in your city. As well as the same sort of concept but in an international sort of sense, so like instead of just world news, it narrows down into specifics like Asia, Middle East etc, as well as there being information about what category an article will fall in.

Hemi –  The ability to stay informed about the news without always being on your device due to things like sports. An idea I have is either a narrator which will read the articles for you built into the website. Being able to stay up to date with things like sports etc through push notifications via phone or email. Potentially another language.

Mike – Doesn’t think NZ news tells his kids about the serious issue facing the world or the country. Always wanting to know what’s happening. So an idea was again wanting to keep up to date via a ‘following’ method as well as having a ‘breaking news’ headline for the important top news. Another small thing would be to organise that the home page always has the latest headlines then the popular ones.

Sarah – Wants to be able to contribute to the news of what is happening in her city. A contribution element is what I had in mind, especially having a part which you can add where in NZ you are writing for. Not sure what category to put it into.

Andrea – Wants to prioritise specific news like Tauranga News or Silver Ferns Netball or All Blacks if they are on. There are two ways that could solve this. Either using the following system for this so you follow and get notified about the specific subcategory you are after and/or have it so you can filter this deep within the news like going all the way from New Zealand news through to Tauranga specific news.

Barry – Like politics, vision impaired, directed to articles via email. My aim is to use a narrator feature so that they can listen to the articles instead of struggling to see them. I also considering adding a larger text size option but at the same time, that feature is built into the browser.



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