Week 3.2

This was our interim presentation / mega user test time.

From the last class to this I started using XD and digitalise my prototypes. This is the result of my first iteration of XD prototyping.

XD File:

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 8.24.13 PM




2nd Iteration of Website:


XD Issues:

From using XD just a couple times I did find a few ‘breaks’ and ‘bugs’ as well as bad design (by my own accord) which slowed me down. The first one was when creating my first follow drop down menu when I went to test it, parts of it were cut off, I later found out that this was because of how restricting XD can be with the page fold and overlays. I soon found a fix for it.


  • TOO MANY DROP DOWN MENUSSSSS – made it overly complicated.
  • The Narrator button definitely needs to move (now that it has been seen through prototyping).
  • The follow button sits in a bit of a weird place, it’s just sitting there.
  • The contribute button (in the first iteration) is hard to find bring it out into the Nav or somewhere.
  • The space on the right-hand side seems a bit empty either add another article or something there.

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