Reflective Image W2


This week was technically my first week back in Uni so it was a bit of a slow start for myself. I join a team that was doing the reading I was fascinated about the most which were Stress in the City by C. Ellard.  They had decided to focus on loneliness in the city but were still a bit unsure as it was still quite a large topic.
After brainstorming some more, we collectively decided to narrow it down to anti-social behaviour (unsociable behaviour not crime based behaviour).

We started looking into people just being on their phone in public instead of talking to those around them and the attitude behind that. As well as deciding to stay at home instead of socialising with friends (which we all could relate to) and the mindset behind that.

In class, we were looking at personae of our target audience (see image above) to try and bring more depth to the reasoning and maybe get more insight into how we could address the problem we wanted to our draft proposal.

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