222454 VCD Design Research Project

Central Proposition: Week 1 attempt at a project compass Week 2 Project Compass Refined. Problem I am trying to address: 1. There is a misconception within my audience of how it is possible to make money out of playing video games / live-streaming video games. A lot of people don't feel like it is a... Continue Reading →

213465 Exhibition Paper

What is an exhibition? A public display of works of art or items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. - Dictionary definition What is the purpose of an exhibition?"I see the purpose of the exhibition as a pivotal moment, an opportunity for an artist to understand the... Continue Reading →

222453 Week 8

Primary research Questions: How old are you?Do you have any passions/hobbies that you would consider as doing as an online career?What is the reason for not wanting to pursue your passion/hobby as a career?If you were to talk to your parent(s)/caregivers about pursuing a career in a hobby/passion, what do you think their response would... Continue Reading →

222453 Week 12

Abstract poster/presentation Abstract currently: Streaming video games is a real job, not a waste of time. There is a stigmatised perception from adults/parents due to a lack of education towards the idea of their kids pursuing their passion for video gaming as an online career. By gathering information on the reasons/obstacles/stigmas the younger generation face... Continue Reading →

Week 12

I have developed my digital version of the paper based prototype: Final designs: Flat pack version I tried to show where the flap would sit with the dotted line and where you would stick it to. You might now see it in this photo but there is a small dot on both the wheel and... Continue Reading →

Week 11

Photo of paper prototype + gif of how they work After looking at my paper wheel prototype i wanted to have other paper mechanics to use aswell. I found some examples online of potenial ideas: I attempted to make a basic prototype of some of the ideas i had found. I also looked more into... Continue Reading →

222453 Week 11

Central proposition:Communication design can raise awareness of the possibilities of passions becoming careers through the emerging online formats by educating against bias and stigma and when presented with a guided method of how to start. Abstract Exercise: Motivation: Why do we care about this issue? Whats the big picture?Streaming video games is a real job,... Continue Reading →

Week 10

This week I began to test some ideas for transformative data. I wanted to try and attempt to keep it paper base for the blood data. This is because I wanted to make. it something a patient would receive at the hospital/doctors and instantly be able to use it with the need for technology. I... Continue Reading →

Week 9

Trying to analyst the results a little further. To see if a collection of results correlates to potential conditions: Findings: The blood glucose levels and the HbA1c (glycated haemoglobin) don't match. Abnormal levels of glucose usually mean potential diabetes, but normal levels of HbA1c proves no diabetes. Hemolytic Anemia: Hemolytic anemia is a disorder in which red... Continue Reading →

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