Episode: 4

Discipline. Cindy Sherman Expo: Cindy Sherman installation view. City Gallery, 2016 http://citygallery.org.nz/sites/default/files/Cindy%20Sherman%20City%20Gallery_MT_0146.jpg Scale. The use of scale in all forms of art (not just fine arts) can be a strong technique which gives emphasis or meaning to the viewer. Out of proportion images/text usually are seen as 'abnormal' which is true but through the use of... Continue Reading →

Episode: 3

Reflecting. Cindy Sherman Expo. I feel that I have learnt to see/understand more of the deeper meaning of some works. In the Cindy Sherman show I managed to get some of the underlying themes of her work better than normal. An example of this is seen in Episode: 2, Experiencing. Where i am able to connect deeper... Continue Reading →

Episode: 1

How To See The World. Just from the introduction of Nicholas Mirzoeff's How to See the World. There are couple of points which stood out to me. Blue marble. Although believed to be the most reproduced photograph ever (Mirzoeff 2015). In reality only three people (the members of the apollo 17 crew) have actually seen the... Continue Reading →

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