Week 12 Final Blog

Over all I really enjoyed this course mainly because of the different mediums we were able to explore instead of being limited to just print. The one critique I do have is that out of  the 6 weeks the course offered, where we had 3 things to do we focused on the posters for a... Continue Reading →

Week 12

Having finalized the overall design of the website this past week I deiced to focus on the mobile version this week as it was easier now that the other design and refinements of the design had been settled. The mobile website used a pop out navigation via a hamburger menu which once i tested it,... Continue Reading →

Week 11

After some critic this week I decided to focus on redesigning the website. The overall change being made was making all pages have the same navigation even if other areas worked as a navigation as well. The color scheme was to change to be more brighter and friendly instead of dark and gloomy as it... Continue Reading →

Week 10

This week I began wire framing the website for this assignment. I started with very basic layouts and slowly developed and refining it. I had a couple different concepts so I decided to try make them in XD. I have used XD before so i was familiar with the program. The idea behind the homepage... Continue Reading →

Week 9

I created a poster and a few other photo realistic versions of the wreaking ball poster and im quite surprised how it turned out. I took it into class and kinda didn't expect the response i got. Pretty much the design was classed as "what not to do with poster design" and for it to... Continue Reading →

Week 8

This week I continued to develop my original concept of combining the guitar sting with the heart beat. When i showed other people, my work seemed to be a bit flat in this execution and i was recommend to try either making it less 2-D design or to try add textures into the deign to... Continue Reading →

Week 7

Week 7 This week I focused on creating poster concepts based around the combination of  musical instruments and the idea of revitalization / revival. I identified key icons which i felt worked well especially when combined. These elements were the heartbeat line and guitar strings / sound waves. Whilst concept sketching, the idea of making... Continue Reading →

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